Cardiff University Medical School Open Days 21 and 22 June – Register Now

Medical School Open Day – Friday 21st June & Saturday 22nd June 2013

On behalf of the School of Medicine, may I extend a warm invitation to you and to your students who are interested in reading medicine to our Open Day at Cardiff University.  The event will run from 8.45am – 4pm on Friday 21st June and Saturday 22nd June 2013 in the Cochrane Building at the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff.  

Each day will consist of a detailed presentation about the course and admissions procedure, a presentation from Student Services, and a presentation from current medical students about their experiences.  We will be opening up the clinical skills laboratory and simulation suite for the students to have some hands-on practical experience.   Staff from the Medical School’s Admissions Team and current medical students will be available to answer any questions you and your students may have.  

Due to the popularity of the event and the limited number of places available, early booking is advised.  (Please choose one date only.) Please ask your pupils to visit

to register online for their place.  There will be confirmation of their booking online when they finish entering their details and they will receive further information regarding the event by email closer to the time.  This information will include a programme for the day and a map/directions to the event.

If you require any further information, please contact Caitlin Golaup on 029 2068 8115 /

I look forward to welcoming you and your students.

Yours faithfully

Professor Aled Phillips
Admissions Sub Dean